Star trek discovery season 3 season finale
Star trek discovery season 3 season finale

star trek discovery season 3 season finale

Of course dropping the ship out of warp is only part of the solution. Generally, I hope both characters-and their dynamic-get more screen time in Season 4. I don’t support the cultural reenforcement of romantic relationships as more important than platonic ones, but I do wonder what the nature of this relationship is. There are other people there who are also unexpectedly alive. “You’re alive.” “So are you.” This is their conversation post-nacelle explosion. These two have always been depicted as especially close, and the season finale had me wondering yet again if these two might be romantically linked. However, once Michael regains control of the ship, she is able to restore life support to the lower decks before her friends/co-workers die. “I love you all,” she tells them, which would have been solid last words. It’s Joann, who apparently has very impressive lung capacity, who manages to complete the mission (with an assist from one of those little DOT-23 droids), taking the oxygen tank and leaving her friends to die (per their request). The Bridge Crew does so believing that it will be a suicide mission, as Osyraa has cut off life support to the lower decks of the ship, and they only have one oxygen tank amongst them. This was another excellent episode for Team Bridge Crew, who use their relative freedom on an occupied Discovery to sabotage the ship’s nacelle, dropping the ship out of warp and allowing the Federation and its allies to catch up. Perhaps this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the Kelpien. “I’d like to help repair what is broken, if I can,” Su’Kal tells Saru, when he learns the truth. Now that he is no longer in the nebula, it is unlikely a similar event will happen again. The sonic scream he emitted upon losing his mother sent a shockwave through subspace that caused the Burn. Because Su’Kal was born on a planet filled with dilithium, it gave him a unique connection to the element. Su’Kal is a polyploid, aka someone whose genetics were altered based on the environment around him.

star trek discovery season 3 season finale

She couldn’t know that the Federation wouldn’t come for another 125 years. His mother made Su’Kal promise not to turn off the holo until the Federation came. With her death, Su’Kal was all alone on the KSF Khi’eth, on a dilithium planet in an isolated nebula. With Saru’s support and encouragement, Su’Kal faced the memory of the event: the death of his mother, when he was small. The big reveal in the Season 3 finale is the confirmation that it was a scared Su’Kal who caused The Burn when he was a small child. Let’s break down all that happened in the Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 finale, and what it means for the bright future of this show. That being said, the episode also set up some fascinating plot and character arcs for Season 4. In that way, “That Hope is You, Part 2” really was the perfect bookend to the premiere that started this far-future arc. The hour-long finale was a solid ending for the season, answering some questions we’ve had since the season premiere. What a ride! The third season of Star Trek: Discoverywas easily its most consistent and, dare I say, best yet? From the get-go, the series’ decision to vault its characters into the far future for its third outing proved itself a smart one, as the crew of the Discovery set about exploring this strange, new reality. This Star Trek: Discovery review contains major spoilers for the end of Season 3.

Star trek discovery season 3 season finale